Christoph Heuser has joined the aging simulation team at SD&C. Christoph Heuser, an expert in gerontology and nursing sciences (see his newly published article) has joined the SD&C consulting team in age simulation.
Christoph Heuser lectures at an institute for nursing research in Frankfurt and has already publishes several articles. Last week, Christop has received his introduction to the theory and practical application of aging simulation, and he participated in a workshop given by SD&C for the nursing staff of a high class residence in Ingolstadt.
SD&C has already delivered several Senior Suit this year, and customers have been asking for larger quantities. This has not been easy so far, as the simulation suits have become rather complex, just like other specialized jump suits, like diving suits e.g. The fabrication process requires several sophisticated stages to ensure correct functionality for the user in the end. However, the production of larger quantities has now become possible, as our textile design in Leipzig has promoted the production process to a German factory with experience with complex suits, as, e.g., they produce special clothing for fire fighters. The necessary machinery and know how are available. Now the textile production of the Senior Suit is organized in one location, and several Senior Suit can be produced in parallel. The process is digitized to a large extent, and as the only separated stage before delivery there remains the finalization and a further quality control at SD&C.
SD&C Logo im Aufstickvorgang
Manschetten für den Senior Suit
Ein Klettstreifen des Senior Suit wird aufgenäht
Druckknöpfe für das Trägersystem des SD&C Senior Suit werden angebracht
Denise Cotte, our model for the SD&C Senior Suit Delta, is participating in the contest to become playmate of the year 2015. Denise has already been Miss Waldkraiburg, she was one month’s cover page of the famous Playboy magazine, and she has been the Wiesn-Playmate of the Oktoberfest in Munich last year. Denise studies at the IHK academy and, besides all, is quite a wonderful person.
Our simulation suit almost completely hides away the beauty of Denise. As in the simulation, when getting older the fresh appearance of a person naturally disappears, nevertheless in some cases one can still see, that a person must have been a beauty in younger years. In comparison to real ageing, the SD&C Senior Suit offers the advantage, that it can be laid off again. In the case of Denise, this makes quite a difference.
Our model for the SD&C Senior Suit Delta, Denise Cotte.
The SD&C Senior Suit Delta 2, which has been tested in March and April of this year [2014], is now available. The novelties include improved weight pockets, additional stiffening elements for the back and shoulders, climatizing openings, lateral strip elements to adjust overall width, cable openings, and stronger fixation for the ankle and wrist weights. For those interested in scientific details, an article under the menu entry SCIENTIFC describes the meaning of the innovations in the larger context of modern age simulation.
There are also improvements for the other Senior Suit models. The SD&C Senior Suit Beta 2 is now equipped with the electronic ear muffs, which can simulate a tinnitus sound. And all Senior Suit Alpha 2 are equipped with the improved variable special elbow and knee bandages with stiffening elements. Further changes in the price list are more items to be selected for rent and additional simulation goggles. However the best news for all customers probably is, that pricing for the Senior Suits remains the same.
Der SD&C Senior Suit ® erreicht New York. Wir sind ja mit der Alterssimulation schon gut in Europa herum gekommen, aber der Einsatz für unseren Kunden Grass Roots in New York Ende November war doch noch etwas Besonderes. Carmen aus Hamburg nahm den Einsatz für uns wahr, zusammen mit Einsätzen für die Swiss Re in Zürich und in London. Mehr dazu z.B. in dieser Pressemeldung. –>SD&C