SD&C slaví 20. narozeniny společnosti - nový generální ředitel

2 years ago
Dr. Schoeffel

Since 20 years now SD&C is offering age simulation to the public. While SD&C has not been the first to…

Věk simulační obchod SD&C nyní umožňuje platby bitcoiny

5 years ago

Payment with Bitcoins are now possible in the age simulation shop of SD&C for all products. The reason is, that…

SD&C Senior Suit Delta 3 doručena do Kolping education center

5 years ago

The Kolping Education Center in Warburg-Rimbeck near Kassel has received the first SD&C Senior Suit Delta 3 from a new…

Simulace stáří v Lucembursku

6 years ago

SD&C has already delivered several Senior Suits for old age simulation to Luxemburg. In this small and charming country in…

New Age Simulation Suit Alpha 3 je nyní k pronájmu po celé Evropě

7 years ago

The Senior Suit Alpha 3 does not only deliver a most impressive simulation, it also offers exceptional durability. Because of…

Nový Senior Suit Beta 3 je nyní k dispozici

7 years ago

After internal tests over the entire year 2017 with more than 100 test persons, SD&C is now offering the new…

Jedna cena pro každého na celém světě

Před 9 lety

SD&C has a fair price policy - offering its age suits for the same price to everybody worldwide. EU countries however…

Christoph Heuser je v týmu nováčkem

Před 9 lety

Christoph Heuser has joined the aging simulation team at SD&C. Christoph Heuser, an expert in gerontology and nursing sciences (see…

Senior Suit Výrobní proces

Před 9 lety

SD&C has already delivered several Senior Suit this year, and customers have been asking for larger quantities. This has not been…

Bariéra Nahverkehr

Před 10 lety

Barrierefreier Nahverkehr. Der Nahverkehrsverbund Schleswig-Holstein NAH.SH hat im August zum zweiten Mal einen Alterssimulationsanzug eingesetzt, um die Barrierefreiheit für die…